Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarship Opportunities: A Call for Change

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Photo by Julia M Cameron on Pexels.com


In this article, Marty Nothstein will explore the importance of diversity and inclusion in scholarship opportunities. We will discuss why it is crucial to provide equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, ethnicity or gender. Additionally, we will discuss how these scholarships can help foster a more diverse workforce by encouraging students from underrepresented groups to pursue higher education.

We hope this article serves as an eye-opening resource for those who have not yet considered the importance of diversity and inclusion within scholarship opportunities.

The Need for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarship Opportunities

Diversity and inclusion in scholarship opportunities is important because it allows for the representation of different groups of people. When we allow for diversity and inclusion, we are able to present a more accurate picture of our society. In addition, a diverse group will be more likely to come up with innovative ideas that can help solve problems that affect everyone.

In order for scholarships to truly represent all types of scholars, there needs to be an effort made towards increasing the number of scholarships offered specifically for minority groups (such as women), disabled individuals or veterans. These efforts may include creating new programs or revising old ones so that they are inclusive and accessible by anyone who qualifies according to criteria set forth by each organization providing funding

Where Does Your Organization Stand?

The first step to improving diversity and inclusion in scholarship opportunities is to define the problem. In order for you to be able to set goals, you must first understand what you are trying to accomplish.

If we look at the data from 2017, only 1% of applicants were African American or Latino/a while they make up 14% of college students nationwide. This means that there is a gap between who is applying for scholarships and who actually receives them based on race/ethnicity alone.*

So what does this mean? It means that there is an opportunity here! If more African Americans applied for scholarships then there would be more winners from those communities as well*

What Can You Do to Change the Status Quo?

  • Organizations can help diversify their scholarship programs by making it a priority to offer scholarships to underrepresented groups.
  • Organizations can help diversify their hiring practices by prioritizing diversity in their recruitment strategies and implementing unconscious bias training for all staff members.
  • Organizations can help diversify their board of directors by creating policies that require new members to be recruited from underrepresented groups, as well as holding regular meetings at which these issues are discussed.


We believe that scholarship opportunities should be accessible to all students, regardless of their background. As a student, you should have the opportunity to apply for scholarships that align with your interests and academic goals. In order to make this happen, we encourage organizations to consider ways they can make their scholarship programs more inclusive by considering applicants from underrepresented groups such as women or minorities.

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